UK:RESISTANCE 'main page'
The Keystone Cops are launching another motion controller for their £999,995.95 shitbox at this year's E3, according to some serious-looking blog.

Then, when Nintendo reveals Wii 2 and its innovative rumbling d-pad for precise and reliable on-screen control, it'll be back to the DualShock IV.
Anonymous Photoboy said...
Let's not forget all the rumours about Sony innovating on the handheld front by adding a touchscreen to the PSP. Maybe one day they'll remember to make some games for it instead of making embarrassing videos that are less viral than swine flu in a developed country.
Blogger john matrix said...
keystone cops! u made my weekend Zorg.
Anonymous Gonuts McDie said...
Thing is, the rest of the world has already figured out that beyond watching videos of girls in their pants 'playing' Wii fit, there's not a lot else the Nintendo's got that's worth bothering with. So it doesn't matter what Sony does, because no one cares.
Blogger P.P.A. said...
I would say something pro-Sony to annoy people but right now I'm spending more time with the 360 actually. Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram is pretty sweet.
Blogger New MoD said...
The motion sensor on the Wii is crap anyway.

Also Zorg this is a good post. I hope it is one of many to come.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Her name's Egg Monroe. She's older.
Blogger Halverde said...
Egg Monroe's her name, being older is her game
Anonymous DR34MC45T 4 LYF3 4 3V4 I.D.S.T said...
Playstaion. More like Gaystation amirite?
Anonymous Ceekay said...
Hmmm... Sony ? Haha... i thought they were out of business already.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
her names egg monroe shes older
Anonymous Shabtronic said...
back in the day when we usta live in trees and spiders roamed the planet we usta have this gem:

no eggy nonsense - pure joy

c'mon Zorg hands off snakey and get outta bed!!
Blogger FuzzyPiggy said...
Yes it might be better it might not, sadly Sony, the world has moved on and you haven't. Cut your loses. Kill yourselves!
Blogger RAYTRACE said...
ffs i know we were complaining about the Blogger favicon.ico - but now ye have nothing! - so ive a big blank zone in my minimalist favicon only based toolbar >:|
Blogger RAYTRACE said...
edit: - this appears to be a Blogger-wide Pandemic - another, seperate toolbar icon has gone blank (not just you and the Idiots)
Anonymous Anonymous said...
fuck arse spunk shit bollocks arse fuck you are all idiots, shut the fuck up you sad cunts. FUCK SHIT ARSE FUCK FUCK FUCK.

Hope that clears up your stupid complaints.


WV - big throbbing phallus = your mum
Anonymous Anonymous said...
do outrun next
Anonymous Anonymous said...
her names fuck outrun shes motion sensing.
Anonymous Lee said...
I have outrun. On the PS3. Egg Monroe races with me.
Anonymous Rambo M. said...
When I read Zorg's price point I couldn't help but be reminded of the scene in Back To The Future II where the billboard guy is advertising some ungodly complicated pricing format for "upgrading" your old unhip unflying ground vehicle.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Do you remember when you first used the above photo and did you once do a caption competition for it. If so, can you point me in the right direction as I want to relive the glory days of Sony bashing!

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