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Banging party alert! The Glasgow hardcore scene is using unofficial Ulala artwork to lure tattooed squaddies into its darkened lairs. Two people independently saw and photographed this. Which means two UKR readers nearly met and had to have a conversation. Imagine how awkward that would've been.

"Here's a photo of a poster with Ulala promoting a club night in Glasgow. Here's a handy Google map link, in case any readers would like to visit the poster - Dave."

'Shout out to DJ Sonic. Shout out to DJ Robotnik. Shout out to DJ Alisia Dragoon'

"I was in Glasgow City Centre today, and I stopped in the middle of a busy street - blinded by a woman who I have loved for years in more ways than a grown man probably should admit to. I knew I had to take a picture, as either you will want to knock out the stupid DJ advertising of Ulala's fame; or hand it over to SEGA's legal team to be evil. Lovingly Yours, Born2beSlicker."

We also once did an update about a DJ called Alex Kidd and a music producer called Alexander Robotnick.
Blogger Mark said...
That is a particularly good "if you were the other side of me you'd be able to see EVERYTHING" picture of Ulala.
Blogger Matt said...
Kudos to 'Rob Da Rhythm' for getting his name on both posters. I bet he thinks he's a fucking superstar.
Blogger andromeda said...
she's from space channel 2 , seemingly..
Blogger stx said...
The Robos & Morolians are getting quite an eyeful according to the flyer on the website.
Blogger Urban Reflex said...
Blogger crikey said...
At least McStorm is a good traditional Scottish name.
Blogger Benjamin said...
Boob job. Guess the pressure of being on camera and getting older has got to her, too.
Blogger FuzzyPiggy said...
DJ Dougal?? A typically Scots name which doesn't quite work with that genre of music and I'm afraid reminds me of Father Ted too much!

"Ah sure Ted, spinnin' tha weels of ion!"

That might get that other DJ priest in, the one with only one record, the 7" of Ghost Town!
Blogger Peter said...
For those interested, the artwork originated from here -

Fair few more gaming related ladies on there!

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