UK:RESISTANCE 'main page'
No idea. literally no idea whatsoever. But it's free photographs and words, so will do for today.

"Seriously terrible stuff so apologies in advance.Short version, we built a Thing for our hens and covered it with old CDs for maximum psychedelic chicken freakout potential. One of those CDs turned out to be an old Dreamkey for the ever-marvelous Dreamcast."

"In the pictures you will see the Thing itself (for context) and then some close-ups of the disk itself with some added hen action. They are clearly loving being close to it, or at least not running away in fear from it. Their little beady eyes make it quite difficult to tell, to be honest."

"It's no DC controller box next to a tree but they have a subtle charm all of their own - Sir Rich."

We exclusively caught up with Sir Rich last week, to ask him why chickens need a Thing made out of wood and CDs.
UKR: Why do your hens need one of those? Does it have a proper scientific purpose?

SIR RICH: To be honest they probably don't, what with them not living in tiny cages their entire lives, but it gives them something to look and peck at. Also, they're forest creatures so they like having dappled sunshine to lie around in, and it does give them that, too. We've also now lashed a load of logs together for them to balance on.

Basically it's what you do in the countryside in an attempt to silence the voices, the voices and their incessant calls for blood. We built a henge a couple of weeks ago and a firepit today, which is currently cooking a massive lump of beef. it's like gadgets, but gadgets made out of mud and sticks.
Blogger Cunzy11 said...
It's a scary glimpse into the future when ALL THE ELECTRICITY RUNS OUT.

BE afraid.
Blogger Matt said...
I want his lifestyle.
Blogger Badben said...
I'm waiting for Nokia to 'encapsulate' this guys lifestyle with a picture on a mobile phone box. It must be on the way.

Then I'm going to buy said phone.
Blogger PhotoBoy said...
If I was building something like that, I think I would nail pieces of the Playstation 2 and its library of "classics" to it. And maybe embellish it with Kutaragi's ears.
Blogger Tysoe_J said...
Them there hens could choke on that...
It's probly not hard to chew through the piece of shit that was the GD-ROM
Blogger Robotron2084 said...
Update of the year so far !

Every summer, I attach myself CDs to a dead tree in my garden to scare the birds and protect the various seeds I plant... For this primordial taks, I use EXCLUSIVE XBOX DVD dating back the OPEN BETA of the XboxLive.
Nothing is good enough for my garden
Blogger benny lemon said...
I told you thre was gold in "gadgets in the wrong places".

The rest of the world almost certainly thinks we're weird.
Blogger Nick said...
The first image is like Field of Dreams meets Blairwitch Project meets Blade Runner.

Which has pissed me off, frankly.
Blogger ant said...
Blogger Urban Reflex said...
What the hell.

adujjie - Equally as odd as this update.
Blogger Dave said...
This is the best UK:R post in a long time.
Blogger Keet said...
I feel like I've just walked into a funcoland and been handed a full turkey dinner.
Blogger slim1945 said...
If only there was a cockerel in the photo i'm sure i'd have thought of something funny to say :(

BDXOOB : A Blu-Ray disc owning super noob (or twat)
Blogger Sooty68 said...
Lol, the Google Ads below are all for Poultry products.
Blogger Tomleecee said...
What a gash post. First Swillman, now this. Standards are clearly slipping.
Blogger Slight said...
You're gash!

I like this post.

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