UK:RESISTANCE 'main page'
Isn't that a clever headline? You can use that if you want, for free, to illustrate the "Father of PlayStation retires" story you're no doubt currently writing for your blog/site/forum/magazine/podcast/videoblog:

And here's a picture we just made to illustrate the enemy leader's unconditional surrender:

Field Marshall Fils-Amie raises the flag over Sony Europe's HQ

Sony's plans for a ten-year reich - obliterated!

Ken accidentally reveals PS3 profit margins

This is one someone else just made. Hopefully this won't turn into some sort of celebratory Photoshop competition. That would be very sad indeed, were it to happen. Especially if this archive of wartime imagery and this archive of Sony executive staff photos were used to portray Sony as broken and defeated Nazis facing certain execution.

  • A photo of Ken Kutaragi
  • A photo of Adolf Hilter
  • A photo of some unsold PS3s
  • A photo of the French PS3 launch event

  • Please don't let this turn into some degrading internet Photoshop competition in which Sony is portrayed in an unfavourable light. It would be deeply unprofessional considering the sadness of this news.


    Blogger RoboSel said...
    Never mind Ken, at least you're aloud to buy a Dreamcast now.
    Blogger voorhees said...
    Hmmmm, didnt hitler go abit crazy and delusional before the end? lol. His probabley off to blow his head off (wink)in a bunker made off unsold PS3s. lol.
    Blogger Ooshka said...
    Zorg, can you put up a link to let me obtain Photoshop (legally, of course) so I am able NOT to craft photos of Sony execs onto other photos of Nazi wartime imagery and in turn NOT send them to you in a celebration of Sony generally fucking everything up?


    cezghs - a Polish man coughing
    Blogger Hazard Perfection said...
    hey Zorg, when we enter the utopia of a sony-free worldand you're president, can I be your bitch?
    Blogger surfsquid said...
    This post has been removed by the author.
    Blogger Jawatron said...
    Can you get that guy who animated ken eating the other guys head on this one?
    Blogger slim1945 said...
    Ok these are a bit shite but here goes.

    "Ken threatens live seppuku unless his demands are met"

    The obligatory scooby-doo ending.

    zxjufk = Exploding computors sold to Israel by Islamic Fundamentalists
    Blogger prittstick said...
    This is what Ken is doing now.
    Blogger Lodin said...
    In other news: Game joins us in the good fight and refuses to sell Oblivion for the PS3. For once that shithole does something right.
    Blogger Hunty said...
    it had to be done:
    Blogger colin said...
    Ooshka said...

    Zorg, can you put up a link to let me obtain Photoshop (legally, of course)

    Just download GIMP. It's better anyway-- and free.
    Blogger G said...
    colin said...
    Just download GIMP. It's better anyway-- and free.

    where better means 'crashes more often and unpredictably' and 'particularly unwieldy.'
    Blogger Friday said...
    ITYF it works pretty well on a less p a n t s operating system.
    Blogger Croz said...
    It's a few months old and I gave it to Kotaku first, but you can have it too I guess.
    Blogger slim1945 said...
    Pathe News Victory Broadcast
    Blogger Super said...
    Friday said...

    ITYF it works pretty well on a less p a n t s operating system.
    8:40 PM

    Wait, was he actually thinking of running GIMP on windo....urk... I... I think I might be sick.

    Word verification: mrpifg-- The husband of Mrs. Pifg.
    Blogger Andy said...
    I've been trying to think of something clever to photoshop and found this gem. The beauty of this one is that I haven't even touched it!
    Blogger Billy Morris said...
    You guys gotta watch David Jaffe ranting on bonus round episode 4, it's funny. Now he's decided to make a Wii/Live arcade style fun game, and that the epic fmv fueled graphic's dependant games are'nt everything after all.
    Blogger praxis22 said...
    Somewhat amusingly, Saturn, (the German version of Dixons/currys) has a sign up for a PS3 offer. take out a contract for two Nokia 6020's with O2 and they'll give you the lot for 1 Euro. Once I find the cable to get the image of my phone I'll upload it. The same place now has 41 PS3's for sale. It even has 17 Wii's in stock, (the whole town has them) spooked the hell out me at first, I've not seen a Wii in the wild since I bagged mine.

    hgedz a small hungarian town :)
    Blogger slim1945 said...
    "Ken Kuratagi arrested after being spotted outside an electrical store"
    Blogger slim1945 said...
    "Slaughter: Horror at Sony's depraved promotion stunt with decapitated goat"

    No really, i'm not making this shit up!!! Front page tabloid news this morning, Sony's bad PR gauge has gone from condidition ORANGE-sack kuratagi, to condition RED-we're totally fucked!!!
    Blogger Muse said...
    I just read it not 5 mins ago and came on here expecting Zorg to be all over it like flies to horse shit.

    The really amusing part is the comments section on the article. Midddle-class fuckwits getting all upset.

    Won't somebody please think of the children!

    Ah Sony, only a slow painful, mass media coverage death will do.

    WORD VERIFICATION: ljhiwcv- The gurgling noise the goat made after its head had been lobbed off.
    Blogger Billy Morris said...
    WOW they really are a bunch of devil worshipers.

    "I would understand if customers wanted to boycott other Sony products such as their televisions because of this controversy."

    I love this bit, and whilst they're at it, they can get that f@@king 'playstation2 compatible' shit off the side of my dvd collectors editions!, it's bad enough we have an extra blue GERMAN bbfc logo, because of piracy, which PS2's are mainly bought for.
    Blogger slim1945 said...
    Ken kutaragi's autobiography
    Blogger slim1945 said...
    "Sony finally goes mad"

    pareek = the smell of the dead goat corpse after being gang raped by sony execs.
    Blogger Saphion said...
    re: Daily Mail

    Ban this sick filth!
    Blogger slim1945 said...
    "Shocking pictures they didn't want you to see!"
    Blogger Billy Morris said...
    I followed the last link, and this made me howl.
    Blogger Emily said...
    I'm disappointed that this post had nothing to do with Sony decapitating a goat in a God of War II promotion.'s%20depraved%20promotion%20stunt%20with%20d%20ecapitated%20goat/
    Blogger Wim said...
    This post has been removed by the author.
    Blogger Cunzy11 said...
    STOP NOW GUYS! Think about what you are saying. Do you really want to side with the Daily Mail?

    I know it's good to hate Sony but that is a step too far. Before you know it the Allies will be winning and you'll be back on their side, pizza and all.
    Blogger shadman said...
    Don't worry, we can just have a wank while playing Manhunt. That should even things out, and balance is maintained.
    Blogger slim1945 said...
    Cunzy11 said...

    STOP NOW GUYS! Think about what you are saying. Do you really want to side with the Daily Mail?

    I think the ends justify the means.
    We can adopt neo-conservative style tactic and use our ememies to fight our war. In the words of George Wanker Bush, Your either with us or your with Sony.
    Blogger Billy Morris said...
    Cunzy11: I know what you mean you don't want them censoring games, but seriously, how many parents do you know with an 18 rated locked cupboard? That's called being responsible, if your a PS chav, you just dont think about things like that, your too busy smoking dope.
    Blogger slim1945 said...
    "Where Sony went wrong. PlayStation 3 has already lost this round of the console wars to its Japanese rival, Nintendo's Wii"

    Wow, it's on CNN it must be true!!!

    daqkk = An off-road race held by 2 thirds of the members of the klu klux klan
    Blogger Billy Morris said...
    Somebody photoshop a PS3 looking like a headstone saying 'Here lies Ken Kuturagi's career, a lesson in corporate greed.'

    Then have a flower arrangement spelling out the phrase 'love from Lik-sang ;)'
    Blogger Nigel Tufnel said...
    Sony responds to the Daily mail's story:
    Blogger Billy Morris said...
    Another review from the 'less-than-credible' which is again'st anything with Sony's name on it, you can see they are biased by they way they've tried to play up the DS article, and play down the PS3 one.

    Anyway we all know that, anything a paper says should be taken with a pinch of salt, but lets face it, Sony's promo idea's have always been offal.
    Blogger Billy Morris said...
    typo: 'anything with' should be 'anything without'
    Blogger slim1945 said...
    Billy Morris said...

    Somebody photoshop a PS3 looking like a headstone saying 'Here lies Ken Kuturagi's career, a lesson in corporate greed.'

    Then have a flower arrangement spelling out the phrase 'love from Lik-sang ;)'
    Blogger Billy Morris said...
    ROFLMAO!! That's awesome, it is sooo my desktop!

    I'm gonna spread that like a GTA hoe's STD.
    Blogger Raw Deal said...
    Can we concentrate on bringing down Nintendo and Microsoft now?

    When we're finished, there won't be anything but old consoles, and we can all play our 16bit machines and forget the year ever went past 1993.
    Blogger Billy Morris said...
    Every time we have a new console an old one is created, so whats your point?

    Microsoft and Nintendo are not perfect, but they are far less guilty than the many many historical sins of Sony.

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