UK:RESISTANCE 'main page'
Electronic Arts, in a staggering display of ineptitude not seen since it decided not to support the Dreamcast, managed to lose $641m in Q3 2008, despite releasing FIFA, Madden, Need for Speed, Spore, Rock Band and more last year.

It's OK. Gemma will be issuing relief in 2009.

From this lot, who neglected to mention that it's the not-supporting-Dreamcast decision at the root of it all.
Anonymous Anonymous 2 said...
Day one of the Sonic word verification watch and things are going slowly. Nothing to report as yet but I've found a way to pass the time.

Intercepted enemy radio message, difficult to make out as I was distracted by some interference -
"..a staggering...display,
releasing...dd...Need for...Spore...Gemma...issuing relief...Dream...root.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
the gaming industry would be better without sony or EA, i hope each and every single person who has ever been involved with either company are utterly destroyed by some sort of prototype ray gun.
Anonymous Photoboy said...
EA do have their uses, like when they release a game that runs well on the 360 and like shit on the PS3, thereby letting us all have a laugh at the idiots who paid twice as much for a console that is less powerful.

I'm sure Sony owners would be quick to point out the benefits of "teh bloo-rayz", but since it's a slot you can't stick your dick in (unless you've had an accident with an iron) it doesn't really offer any tangible benefits.
Anonymous Les Bubb said...
People like Gemma Atkinson make me wish I was homosexual. I derive a tremendous amount of pain from her sexual good looks.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I love her. Would.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Give 'em hell, Commander!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Gemma Jameson would have been better, but would have been harder ( parden the pun ), to put in promotional shots for the game!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
anouther update with a hi res shot of gemma wouldnt go a miss

WV: egerpe - egerpenis? ... not very good, but its the most effort im willing ot dedicate
Blogger Phill said...

I have.
OpenID thesod said...
victory over Sony is imminent.
EA must be the new focus and the next target.
We can take them too.
WV:segasm- ours again soon.
OpenID thesod said...
Sorry About the lack of CAPITALISED(?) "V"

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