UK:RESISTANCE 'main page'
Reader spotted what appeared to be a Dreamcast being played during "procedural" cop drama CSI.

"I was watching CSI on Living last night at about 11:30 and I noticed that at one point the characters were playing a two-player American football game on the Dreamcast. I don't have any pictures or evidence of this, so you'll have to take my word for it. I only emailed you to tell you because your blog has meant that I now look for meaningless Dreamcast related items wherever I am, and I know that you probably get off on reading these sort of emails because it makes you feel really big and powerful and popular" - MM.

He didn't say what episode of CSI. Or which CSI franchise it was. This is going to be a very time-consuming quest.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I remember seeing that years ago myself.

If it helps, I think the game they were playing was NFL 2K.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If it helps some more it was the First Episode (Pilot) of Season 1. the characters are Nick and Greg
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I bet Horatio prefers a Playstation. Damn skippy.
Blogger Ino said...
stupid CSI fans hiding behind anonymous so we can't track them down and kill them and eat them and shit them. The bastards.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think this was mentioned on Destructiod quite some time ago.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
On another guest appearance Ryo Hazuki is listed in this movie.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"This is going to be a very time-consuming quest"

what a prediction ... mystery solved in the first two posts.

I was expecting this to be a time consuming and pointless quest like the National Treasure films. Shame on the posters who spoiled the tension.
Blogger Caleb said...
I remember them talking about the Dreamcast in one episode but I didn't ever actually see the Dreamcast.
Blogger Apples and Oranges said...
I found the one where they're talking about the Dreamcast and NFL2K. Enjoy:

The graphics are a killer!

There's booty too at some point.

I don't know if the Dreamcast ever makes another appearance but I kind knew there was a hidden reason why I was fond of Greg and Nick.

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