A site about games and game paraphernalia and how nothing's as good as we remember it, probably because we used to inhabit a FANTASY WORLD.
What are we half-heartedly skimming RIGHT NOW? RECENTLY...
When men used to till the pages by hand. |
Use our Play or Amazon Shops to buy those shit Wii games you secretly like, helping the effort. ARCHIVES
12 years of wheat and chaff in one vast and impenetrable mass. |
Some updates weren't universally hated by the entire world within seconds of being uploaded.
1. The Animal Crossing Wild World mega-feature and public-service review
2. Sonic CD - screenshot parade
3. Cream The Rabbit sexual diagrams
4. OutRun2 screenshot-taking guide for the benefit of inept journalists
5. The personal UKR SEGA Toys Homestar planetarium review
6. Trying to buy an Xbox 360 in London
8. A trip to GamesMaster (in Peckham)
Links to that blog of yours you started up and were excited about for a whole weekend.
Some people we might've MET. Or at least seen in a room and been near. One Thousand Tiny Things I Hate "LIFESTYLE"
Other sites we are happy to officially endorse without requiring Adwords spend. PRIVACY POLICY
Having one is compulsory, apparently. Ours is here. It is not meant to be funny. |
People off the internet. Quality and commitment levels may vary. |
It came with the template. Maybe in 2014 we'll jump on board the Twitter train and put that in here. Or a radio. That'd be nice.
When did this happen? i thought the dollar was rising?
But that beanbag... The text says it's made of good quality and durable Italian fabric. It's still expensive as hell, even in Finland's scale.
Next week: Szillard Nemeth for your home. Needs 40 x AAs.
Golden PS3 and the frigging bean bag, that's just something so wrong.
That exaggeration in your update will seem kind once the world finally realizes that trillions in debt is not a form of currency. Here in Canada everyone is losing their mind over the fact that because of stimulus packages over the next five years our debt may go back up to 80% of where it was a decade ago. In the U.S. they have already pumped over a trillion MORE into their debt, with perhaps another couple trillion to go. Their currency, for all intents and purposes, is worthless, the world just hasn't caught on to that quite yet.
I couldn't hold it in any longer. Sorry.
That should be UK:R's new tagline.
Also, PS3 is much better for sitting on than Wii. Wii likes to stand upright at a jaunty angle, and so presents an unacceptable risk of serious colon entanglement. Whereas all you need to comfortably sit on the PS3 is Nomex trousers.
Also, don't buy Sony TV's. I have yet to see a review of Sony HDTV's that didn't call them shit on a stick. Apparently the good ones are Philips (or Magnavox), Samsung, and Westinghouse.
I know, it's crazy, but this is the first time in my life that the Japanese suck at making electronics.
[12:33] < Evil_Cremator > man
[12:33] < Evil_Cremator > This server is totally gay
[12:33] < EQU > howcome?
[12:33] < Evil_Cremator > because its slow
[12:33] < EQU > maybe for you
[12:34] < EQU > let me see
[12:34] < Evil_Cremator > no..its crap
[12:34] < EQU > yes.. you are from u.s. so that gives you about 200ms latency
[12:34] < EQU > our servers are in finland
[12:34] < Evil_Cremator > what the hell is finland
[12:35] < Vekotin > its gay, obviously
[12:35] < EQU > you aren't very sophisticated are you
[12:35] < Evil_Cremator > finland must be some nazi country
[12:35] < Evil_Cremator > or a country full of niggers
[12:35] < Vekotin > if he's from usa, he should be used to 300ms being a low ping ;)
[12:35] < EQU > :)
[12:35] < Evil_Cremator > you guys kill jews
[12:35] < Vekotin > we're the country that takes the last 0 off the definition of "lpb"
[12:36] < Evil_Cremator > i dont think so.
[12:36] < Evil_Cremator > ive never even heard of finland
[12:36] < Vekotin > good
[12:36] < Vekotin > thinking gives you a headache, clearly
[12:36] < Evil_Cremator > fuck you nazi
[12:36] < Vekotin > say hi to george w. for me
[12:37] < EQU > his verbal skills amaze me
[12:37] < Evil_Cremator > You guys suck
[12:37] < Vekotin > if his verbal skills are this amazing, I can't wait to see his dance act
[12:37] < Evil_Cremator > You country is a country full of nazis and scum, i spit on your finland
[12:37] < EQU > i hope he knows how to breath and speak at the same time
[12:37] < Vekotin > at least he can whine and look stupid simultaneously
[12:38] < Evil_Cremator > You guys suck dick
[12:38] < Vekotin > yes, but it doesn't affect the operation of this network
[12:38] < Evil_Cremator > does finland have dick?
[12:38] < EQU > hey evil_cremator.. why don't you take a trip to the local library in dallas and read about finland?
[12:38] < EQU > if you can't read you can ask someone there to read for you
[12:38] < Vekotin > pretty high assumption. that capability to read stuff...
[12:38] < Vekotin > ...you're assuming anyone there can
[12:38] < Evil_Cremator > haha you guys are something else..you guys are like dumb canadians
[12:39] < Evil_Cremator > haha you guys are something else..you guys are like dumb canadians
[12:39] < Vekotin > sniff
[12:39] < Vekotin > se o kyl totta. paitsi et meil ei ole edes vaahterasiirappia
[12:39] < Vekotin > mut toisaalta, meil o terva
[12:39] < Vekotin > ja höyheniä
[12:39] < EQU > saas nähdä mitä toi keksii
[12:40] < Evil_Cremator > wow
[12:40] < Evil_Cremator > incredible
[12:40] < Vekotin > varmaankin ddos:aa koko kirjaston 56k:n voimin...
[12:40] < Evil_Cremator > jews
[12:40] < Vekotin > you dont see it as contradictory to first call us nazis and then jews?
[12:40] < EQU > we do have a jew population here in finland.. many jews came here in excile during world war
[12:40] < Vekotin > for that matter, are you aware of what those terms actually mean
[12:41] < EQU > i think there are something like 5000 yews in finland
[12:41] < Vekotin > stop overloading him with civilized information, his head might explode
[12:41] < Evil_Cremator > you guys suck cock
[12:41] < Evil_Cremator > you guys suck cock
[12:42] < Vekotin > helpollaha tosta pääsee. glinee * vaan
[12:42] < Garrett > hoh, täälhä o ollu bailut
[12:42] < EQU > toi hosti olikin jo sit .kr:stä.. saas nähä tuleeko kohta bittiä
[12:42] < Lammaz > itse asiassa tuo IP oli koreasta
[12:42] < Lammaz > jaa kas
[12:42] < Lammaz > huomasit saman
[12:42] < Evil_Cremator > neat
[12:42] < Vekotin > ja takasi men
[12:42] < Evil_Cremator > you like men?
[12:42] < Evil_Cremator > incredible
[12:43] < Vekotin > he's even dumber than he looks...
[12:43] < Garrett > :)
[12:43] < Evil_Cremator > sure i am
[12:43] < Evil_Cremator > you guys suck dick
[12:43] < Vekotin > yes, and I keep telling you it doesnt affect my day work
[12:44] < Evil_Cremator > multitasking faggot..impressive....
[12:44] < Evil_Cremator > [Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 1 (5.1 - 2600)] CPU: [1-AMD Thunderbird, 1393MHz, 256KB
(31% Load)]. Uptime: [1day 4hrs 41mins 42secs]. Record Uptime: [2days 19hrs 53mins 34secs]. Video Card: [ NVIDIA
GeForce3 Ti 500 ]. ScreenInfo: [ 1024x768 32bit 85Hz ]. RAM [Usage: 206/512MB (40.23%) ] -=KoG-Fu=-
[12:44] < Evil_Cremator > Space Left On [ C: 5.67/28.61 GB. D: 1.29/55.89 GB. E: 11.54/55.9 GB. Total: 18.5/140.4 GB ]
[12:44] < Evil_Cremator > Network Interfaces:[ #1 (SiS 900-Based PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter - Packet Scheduler Miniport
(100Mb/s) 237.76MB In, 281.87MB Out) ] Total: [ 11.17GB In since 11/05/2002, 14.8GB Out since 11/05/2002 ] -=KoG-Fu=-
[12:44] < Vekotin > I could see that amd part coming a mile away...
[12:44] < EQU > uhh.. very impressive.. another windows user
[12:44] < Evil_Cremator > windows is the best os..dipshit
[12:44] < Vekotin > you know, if you didn't use mircwarrior tools, your cpu load would drop to 1% ;)
[12:45] < EQU > :)
[12:45] < Evil_Cremator > haha a linux user
[12:45] < Evil_Cremator > what a waste of time
[12:45] < Vekotin > you're telling us
[12:45] < EQU > except that amd doesn't have a idle mode since it runs so hot all the time
[12:45] < Evil_Cremator > couldnt get windows to install on your atari so you had to go with a 3 meg os
[12:46] < EQU > heh, now you are trying to argue with the size of your operating system?
[12:46] < EQU > bigger is better?
[12:46] < Evil_Cremator > yes
[12:46] < EQU > heh, nice argument
[12:46] < Vekotin > I thought we had better saunas... sniffle
[12:46] < Evil_Cremator > i have way more driver support than you
[12:46] < Evil_Cremator > simply because you failed to choose the CORRECT o/s
[12:46] < Vekotin > yes, I'm sure your "the sun is cool next to this" amd will nicely start up your favorite mirc tools
in almost half an hour
[12:47] < Evil_Cremator > the sun
[12:47] < Evil_Cremator > ?
[12:47] < Evil_Cremator > you make no sense nigger
[12:47] < Vekotin > it's a big hot thing in the sky, but that's not important right now. they'll tell you in school.
[12:47] < Evil_Cremator > back to my blink 124 cd
[12:47] < Evil_Cremator > haha
[12:47] < EQU > dont overdo it with drugs, might be harmful to your health
[12:47] < Evil_Cremator > amd is way better than pentium
[12:48] < Vekotin > that's like saying food is much better than bananas
[12:48] < Evil_Cremator > it is
[12:49] < Evil_Cremator > you guys are truly moronic
[12:49] < Vekotin > thank you
[12:49] < Vekotin > nice to be noticed
[12:50] < Evil_Cremator > i guess thats part of the 3rd world country package though
[12:50] < Vekotin > but still, you need us
[12:50] < Evil_Cremator > yeah
[12:50] < Vekotin > without us 3rd world people running irc networks for you, you'd be awfully alone
[12:50] < Evil_Cremator > to make fun of
[12:51] < Vekotin > maybe one day, your fine country will start making fine software pieces which will work on fine amd
cpu's running fine microsoft operating systems
[12:51] < Evil_Cremator > american invented the art of bukkake
[12:51] < Vekotin > until that day, we'll get free laughs. after that day, we'll get twice as much.
[12:51] < Vekotin > did americans generally also invent typos, or was that your personal thing?
[12:52] < EQU > no, they just patented them
[12:52] < Evil_Cremator > hah your just mad you cant be american because your too dumb
[12:52] < Evil_Cremator > hah your just mad you cant be american because your too dumb
[12:33] < Evil_Cremator > man
[12:33] < Evil_Cremator > This server is totally gay
[12:33] < EQU > howcome?
[12:33] < Evil_Cremator > because its slow
[12:33] < EQU > maybe for you
[12:34] < EQU > let me see
[12:34] < Evil_Cremator > no..its crap
[12:34] < EQU > yes.. you are from u.s. so that gives you about 200ms latency
[12:34] < EQU > our servers are in finland
[12:34] < Evil_Cremator > what the hell is finland
[12:35] < Vekotin > its gay, obviously
[12:35] < EQU > you aren't very sophisticated are you
[12:35] < Evil_Cremator > finland must be some nazi country
[12:35] < Evil_Cremator > or a country full of niggers
[12:35] < Vekotin > if he's from usa, he should be used to 300ms being a low ping ;)
[12:35] < EQU > :)
[12:35] < Evil_Cremator > you guys kill jews
[12:35] < Vekotin > we're the country that takes the last 0 off the definition of "lpb"
[12:36] < Evil_Cremator > i dont think so.
[12:36] < Evil_Cremator > ive never even heard of finland
[12:36] < Vekotin > good
[12:36] < Vekotin > thinking gives you a headache, clearly
[12:36] < Evil_Cremator > fuck you nazi
[12:36] < Vekotin > say hi to george w. for me
[12:37] < EQU > his verbal skills amaze me
[12:37] < Evil_Cremator > You guys suck
[12:37] < Vekotin > if his verbal skills are this amazing, I can't wait to see his dance act
[12:37] < Evil_Cremator > You country is a country full of nazis and scum, i spit on your finland
[12:37] < EQU > i hope he knows how to breath and speak at the same time
[12:37] < Vekotin > at least he can whine and look stupid simultaneously
[12:38] < Evil_Cremator > You guys suck dick
[12:38] < Vekotin > yes, but it doesn't affect the operation of this network
[12:38] < Evil_Cremator > does finland have dick?
[12:38] < EQU > hey evil_cremator.. why don't you take a trip to the local library in dallas and read about finland?
[12:38] < EQU > if you can't read you can ask someone there to read for you
[12:38] < Vekotin > pretty high assumption. that capability to read stuff...
[12:38] < Vekotin > ...you're assuming anyone there can
[12:38] < Evil_Cremator > haha you guys are something else..you guys are like dumb canadians
[12:39] < Evil_Cremator > haha you guys are something else..you guys are like dumb canadians
[12:39] < Vekotin > sniff
[12:39] < Vekotin > se o kyl totta. paitsi et meil ei ole edes vaahterasiirappia
[12:39] < Vekotin > mut toisaalta, meil o terva
[12:39] < Vekotin > ja höyheniä
[12:39] < EQU > saas nähdä mitä toi keksii
[12:40] < Evil_Cremator > wow
[12:40] < Evil_Cremator > incredible
[12:40] < Vekotin > varmaankin ddos:aa koko kirjaston 56k:n voimin...
[12:40] < Evil_Cremator > jews
[12:40] < Vekotin > you dont see it as contradictory to first call us nazis and then jews?
[12:40] < EQU > we do have a jew population here in finland.. many jews came here in excile during world war
[12:40] < Vekotin > for that matter, are you aware of what those terms actually mean
[12:41] < EQU > i think there are something like 5000 yews in finland
[12:41] < Vekotin > stop overloading him with civilized information, his head might explode
[12:41] < Evil_Cremator > you guys suck cock
[12:41] < Evil_Cremator > you guys suck cock
[12:42] < Vekotin > helpollaha tosta pääsee. glinee * vaan
[12:42] < Garrett > hoh, täälhä o ollu bailut
[12:42] < EQU > toi hosti olikin jo sit .kr:stä.. saas nähä tuleeko kohta bittiä
[12:42] < Lammaz > itse asiassa tuo IP oli koreasta
[12:42] < Lammaz > jaa kas
[12:42] < Lammaz > huomasit saman
[12:42] < Evil_Cremator > neat
[12:42] < Vekotin > ja takasi men
[12:42] < Evil_Cremator > you like men?
[12:42] < Evil_Cremator > incredible
[12:43] < Vekotin > he's even dumber than he looks...
[12:43] < Garrett > :)
[12:43] < Evil_Cremator > sure i am
[12:43] < Evil_Cremator > you guys suck dick
[12:43] < Vekotin > yes, and I keep telling you it doesnt affect my day work