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The makers got well angry with us when we slagged it off before, so here's something to make up for it. Two screenshots that, we have to admit, don't look particularly shit or like the work of unskilled children.

Something about the Sonic 2 HD remake, as a public service update

The PC tech demo can be had here. It's three separate and extremely small scenes that just about run on a three-month-old PC that cost £300 three months ago and has an Intel E8200 inside it and whatever Dell is using for free graphics cards these days.

That image right there is what turned it around. Very nice. We still give it six months before the team falls apart amid acrimony and the project is binned, though. No one will want to "do" all of Metropolis Zone in their spare time for free.
Anonymous Thomas the Wankonion said...
My only question is: Why?

Last time I played Sonic, I didn't think "Oh God, I wish this was in HD". I don't understand the point of this at all.

I guarantee after 5 minutes of playing this new oh-so-important hi-res version, it will dawn on the 23 people that downloaded it that it's THE SAME GAME they played 16 years ago.
Anonymous carr said...
And you know the frame rate will never be 100% perfect like it was on the Mega Drive.
Blogger Halverde said...
What the fuck is Sonic standing on? And why is the platform above it still not HD?
Blogger Steve said...
Agree with Wankonion.

And if they're going to make it HD, they need to add some texture. It looks like everything's made of plastic.
Anonymous Sik said...
1) The specified requirements are way higher than the real ones. People with a lot less powerful computers can run the game, even at full framerate. And apparently there was some errors in the calculations that made them be higher than they should be =]

2) They're now just busy trying to make it HD. They aren't finished, which is why the floating platform is pixelated yet. Once they're done doing that part, they'll jump into texturing and such.
Blogger Steve said...
They have captured the gameplay really well.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The original was HD, it says so here, on the rim above the cart slot (heh heh, rim)
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think it looked better before
Blogger Ben said...
call me weird, but I can't wait to play this
Anonymous Roddie said...
I'd rather play a 16-bit game than something that looks like a Flash game.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"No one will want to "do" all of Metropolis Zone in their spare time for free."

You can bet that some fucking spanner WILL have the spare time to do this for free.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
There ain't no area like that in my Emerald Hill Zone. They remaking this from exceptionally flawed memory?
Blogger Bas said...
I'm still positive SEGA will send a C&D letter before the project is finished.
Anonymous Nebagram said...
"I'm still positive SEGA will send a C&D letter before the project is finished."

As long as it shames them into doing it themselves- and do it properly, whilst not evoking the vile memory of Sonic Genesis on the GBA- I'm fine with that.
Anonymous Bander said...
All 2D remakes in HD end up looking completely flat and rubbish. Like playing with cardboard cut-outs or stickers of Sonic and Tails, and moving them around in front of some background printed onto the back of a cereal box.

Street Fighter II in HD will suffer the same fate, despite having tons of money and talent behind it which Sonic 2 HD will never see.

No good can come of this. It'll only damage the magic of the original games.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"There ain't no area like that in my Emerald Hill Zone. They remaking this from exceptionally flawed memory?"

It's a tech demo, not the first level...
Blogger JoeMDesign said...
Hey, I actually played this before I read about it on UK:Resistance! I'm ahead of the curve for once!

If "they" want to make it for free then I say all power to them... People complaining about this is very strange to me. If you don't care then how will it affect you? Play the original games and be happy. I just wish Sega would do something with original Sonic gameplay instead of trying to make it "work" in 3D.

Thanks for the coverage, Zorg. This project needs all the help it can get.
Blogger James said...
The "problem" with the project is that the whole thing is much more about the team saying "we're doing it, we're doing it!" than it is about it actually getting done. There's no way they're going to complete the full game in HD. There's simply no way.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
What a load of shit. It looks worse than the orginals. The idea that making games in HD automatically makes them better is just as sad as when everyone thought making games in 3D automatically made games better in the 90s.

Why must people do this rubbish, it's like defacing a classic peice of art because you think you can draw better than Picasso now, or whatever.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Is the one on the 360 HD.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If you are asking a question end your sentence with a question mark!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I hope the music is in HD too. Will I need a HD joypad to play it though?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I actuallY used to do that with cardboard cut-outs when I was a child.
Back when I still had an imagination.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
UKR IRC channel:


Got games, tv listings, imdb, quotes and...oh....cunts.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"The idea that making games in HD automatically makes them better is just as sad as when everyone thought making games in 3D automatically made games better in the 90s."

Yep.. too true. And only now, at the tail end of 2008 have we realised that Streetfighter 4 in all its 2D glory is the way forward, rather than 3D bollocks like Tekken (sorry, 3D *Sony* bollocks like Tekken) that we were drip-fed a decade ago...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Free software actually rules, so be quiet. If they want to recreate this for free, the reason is that if it was paid for they would get SEGA's fruity stick of justice up their tail-pipes much quicker.

Why make a HD sonic? Hmm, because they can and it'd look nice? :)
Anonymous Anonymous said...
It looks fucking awful though
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I recon its great that there doing it. Free remake of a brilliant game. What the fuck you nob jockeys complaining about?
The ones complaining about the looks, its in pre-alpha stage for fucks sake ;) give it time

I really hope it gets finished and look forward to playing it. Best of luck

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