UK:RESISTANCE 'main page'
Only it looks like a Gizmondo-style exercise in a few company bosses chucking venture capital around for their own amusement. Here, they hired a couple of medium-class hookers on the pretence of shooting a promotional video:

We would certainly like to see the conclusion of this story.
Blogger Nikomus said...
I like the way they both celebrate at the same time, showing their complete lack of understanding of video games. No dear, you're the one on the left.

I'm sure you can see the one with darker hair mouthing "I don't know what I'm doing".
Blogger phorenzik said...

If I had a blog, hated the Wii and occasionally posted Nintendo hate propoganda on it, I would have definately uploaded this.

I also would've uploaded a picture of some Philip Schofield and Fern Britton DS Lite POS that I saw in Gamestation recently, If I had a blog, that is.

If I did have a blog, I would probably call it Stupid Fucking Customers. Then, I'd go a bit too far, get grassed up, and have to leave my job.
Blogger Madmarkus said...
You should do that! ...wait, hang on.

This video is nonsense, no woman could play Zangief and win.
Blogger Halverde said...
I reckon it was Talk Talk wot grassed Phorenzik up.
Blogger phorenzik said...
It was a combination of someone mentioning that I have a blog to my boss, and my boss not trusting me in the first place, and Googling my name.

I never bothered to hide the internet trail that would inevitably lead to my capture. The reason being, that I didn't think it was as big a deal as my boss thought it was.

I did him a favour anyway. I would've been out of a job in January when the place shuts down. I saved him shit loads of redundancy money.
Blogger Michael Rossell said...
Dude, you've been tricked. That's the beginning to 2 Chicks, 1 Dick 13...
Blogger Carriageman said...
Phorenzik, take him to the cleaners for unfair dismissal I do miss SFC.
Blogger Blarg said...
I love the way they hit the buttons like they're banging on some sort of tribal drum, clearly oblivious to any link between what they're doing and what is happening on the screen.
Blogger Richard Stratton said...
Can we sue phorenzik's ex-boss for emotional pain because we miss the SFC blog SOOOOO much?
Blogger John said...
26 seconds in...
The pink one definitely shouts BITCH at the other one. Perhaps it really is said Pornographic feature
Blogger Bara said...
Phorenzik you're a hero! Infiltrate another shop, for all our sakes.

Does the one on the left only have one leg? She doesn't need to be degrading her self advertising shitty hardware!

Amputee hookers get a premium!

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