UK:RESISTANCE 'main page'
The bloke from here was spotted at a Spanish cosplay event in 2006, wearing the same costume. This is not particularly exciting, but you can't pass up on the chance to see video footage from a Spanish cosplay event, can you?

It also gives you an idea of how badly it must smell.

Sonic man pops up five minutes into the carnage.
Blogger スロ / Bernat said...
It's the same event I took the picture but from last year.
Blogger Cunzy11 said...
Sigh. The Spanish.
Blogger Keiishi Viciat said...
Yes, and that's would mean that HE will be there next year too..

also, you can see the other videos searching here:
Blogger Cunzy11 said...
Actually it's fully worth enduring for the last 30 seconds.
Blogger Mainman said...
@ cunzy:

Absolutely. You will probably never have another chance in your life to see Spanish people heckling someone with the Tetris theme.
Blogger Nick said...
Why does the spanish man say "Hard Gay" right after seeing Sonicman? =(
Blogger Madmarkus said...
I'm not waiting for the video to buffer 5 minutes in! Inadequate.
Blogger robotfish said...
For the duration of that video these thoughts went through my head: "I will NOT be queueing to get Mario Galaxy on Thursday", "I will no longer trawl the web in search of video game news or video game stories", "I really should invest more time in my wife and kids".
Blogger John said...
@ Nick

Could be a textual description of the current state of his pants.
Having said that, there's no need to reply, you're not going to read this.
Blogger Keiishi Viciat said...
@nick I said "Hard Gay" because the cosplayer next to the SonicMan Was dressed like the Japanese Westler and Comedian "Hard Gay"

Blogger Surronded said...
Yes, he will probably be there next year.
I have also photos of a Rei Ayanami cosplay, a good one... Spanish eh xD
Blogger Michael Rossell said...
Why do the subtitles say 'Hard Gay'?
Blogger Ben said...
Hard Gay indeed.

and yes I have read the previous comments on the, erm, comment, but I'm drunk enough to think mine will still be funny.

rugdoww: hard gay carpet on the low
Blogger Nick said...

yngxbbyc: young ex-baby corpse. What was left in the park after Hard Gay's visit
Blogger Joel said...
the caption under sonic = "aghhh! my eyes!"

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