UK:RESISTANCE 'main page'
We got sent these photos of a huge SEGA chair. A man found it, bought it, restored it, loves it because it's weird and by SEGA and now wants to know a little bit more about it.

This is where you come in, as despite all our "fronting" we actually know next to nothing about stuff like this and are mostly just pretending to like it all for something to do.

It is a hydraulically operated joystick chair, with the seat moving when you wiggle the massive stick. Apparently it was made by SEGA AM7, presumably during the early-to-mid-90s Golden Era when SEGA spunked money away on glorious follies such as this, therefore earning the adoration of a generation.

EXPLANATION: "This joypad is a size of a double seater and it is mounted on hydraulics. When you move the joystick, the seat follows the direction by changing the angle. You can move it in all six ways. When you turn and hold in position SEGA Joystick: up or down, left or right the sitting part will turn and stay at desired angle. If you use a combination turn: up/left, or up/right, or down/left or down/right, it will turn and bounce back smoothly and continuously at the given angle (feels like sitting in a bouncing lowrider)."

It would look great in the lounge of any single 33-year-old male with a complete collection of SEGA plushes, who longs for the days SEGA made massive hydraulic things and life wasn't all about SHIT.

If you can ID it or want to talk to someone who really loves weird SEGA arcade hardware, email Yas and you will almost certainly become friends.


Blogger shadman said...
It's obviously Sega's first attempt to enter the adult games market: the Sega MegaSexChair. There's supposed to be "anal inserts" in those dimples on the seats, which is probably why it never took off.
Blogger phorenzik said...
I know bugger all about this.

It does resemble a cock, accompanied by a pair of balls though.
Blogger slim1945 said...
I'm not gay or anything but sitting on a moving chair while yanking on a giant knob kinda sounds like fun.
Blogger Saphion said...
The photon chair from Phantasy Star Online springs to mind.

That, and a giant pair of hairy balls.
Blogger Luke said...
Freud would have a field day here.
Blogger SMEGHaMMeR said...
That's amazing :O

Who cares what it does...
Blogger what? said...
looks like the seats for one of segas moving arcade games. I think jurrasic park had moving seats, dunno what else. controllers been replaced by that knob.
Blogger Tyrannical said...
I'd check, it's a Sega hardware musuem. Post on their forum, if anyone can identify it they can.
Blogger Jawatron said...
Scary awesomeness
Blogger James said...
They have a few of these at Segaworld in Tokyo at Odaiba. I would imagine that this is from one of the defunct Segaworlds. It is nothing more or less than a funky chair that moves when you push the joystick.
Blogger Ross said...
cock and balls cock and balls cock and balls cock and balls cock and balls cock and balls cock and balls cock and balls cock and balls
Blogger James said...
This post has been removed by the author.
Blogger dw2k6 said...
Kotaku stole this update.
Blogger stx said...
More like Koktaku.
Blogger Jawatron said...
More like cunts.
Blogger dw2k6 said...
Blogger convercide said...
Imagine playing Nights with it.

ixihvje - The sound your anus makes while on the chair.

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