UK:RESISTANCE 'main page'
Here's some of the crap we've got in recently. If you sent it, by "crap" we mean "little works of genius we're very grateful to receive".

This is a flyer being circulated by someone called Alan who's trying to sell a PS3 in a university. That's his phone number. We're not entirely sure about the legality of putting someone's phone number on a web site read by lunatics, but are prepared to risk being implicated in Alan's death for a minor laugh.

A sign saying "Wii ROX" made out of unsold PS3s. Hopefully this photo was arranged specifically for us, and hasn't just been stolen off an internet forum.

Self explanatory.

What Ken Kutaragi did next. Again, hopefully this was made just for us and wasn't stuck on Gaming-Age and featured on Kotaku three weeks ago. We've not been keeping up on gaming news recently, thanks to post-traumatic stress brought about by the WAR.

This image was definitley made for us. No one else would have it.

This is awesome and deserves its own update, rather than being hidden away down here. Sorry about that, person what done it.

This is probably a war reference we don't get, as all we really know about WWII is that the Japanese did very bad things, which is why Granddad never drives Hondas or buys Sony products to this very day.

A PS3 "not sold out in the slightest" sign from Russia! Even out there no one cares for the evil capitalist machine. Interesting to note that in Russia PS3 costs 2-1.990p. Right. That's your lot. We have cleaned up our desktop quite significantly.


Blogger BrianLather said...
I called Alan, but apparently the PS3 is 'already sold'. He was a Welsh bloke, and it sound like he was in a student bar or something.
Blogger Billy Morris said...
At least he had the good sense to flog the piece of crap.
No doubt someone bought it to try and make a five quid profit.
Blogger slim1945 said...
You can take the man out of Sony, but you can't take Sony out of the man.
Blogger Phil said...
I thought the one I send you would have been 'crap' enough.
Blogger slim1945 said...
Phil said...

"I thought the one I send you would have been 'crap' enough."

It gets my vote.

polossem = A museum dedicated to polo mints
Blogger Cmdr_Zorg said...
I was saving it for "part 2" :(
Blogger Challenger said...
The Wii Rox one was on Kotaku ages ago. I can't believe you're stealing stuff off them now...
Blogger slim1945 said...
Hey Zorg, this is the real reason Ken had to go right?
Blogger Porroe said...
The "Wii Rocks" picture comes from, they were selling PS3's and when you clicked to see a larger image that is what you got.
Blogger Jawatron said...
Blogger Potter said...
i went to

What a shit site. It says "Hi! are you new? START HERE"

you click it and are asked for card detils immediately. Cheeky cunts!

qxiozv - If this is a real word i want these letters in a game of scrabble
Blogger David said...
I thought there was a particularly desperate vibe to that PS3 flyer; multiple exclamation points, the discounted price added to the fact no-one seems interested.

By now the he's probably got a few spam text messages; presumably vague references to past Sega games such as Shenmue and Ryo's quest for 'teh sailors'.
Blogger David said...
Hang on. Why the hell is anyone phoning him for it?!

A shocking betrayal of the cause I think.
Blogger convercide said...
Someone is selling one at work on the local intranet for £350 too. crazy. No-one has bought it yet and it's been there a week.
Blogger Cobley said...
Seems Alan sold his PS3 and bought a DS and a Wii instead. Hooray for Alan.
Blogger Bionic said...
If you squint a bit that Russian sign says "NONCE". I make no further comment other than to say that if Jonathan King were to buy a console he'd ALMOST DEFINITELY buy a PS3.

And a Wii for grooming purposes.
Blogger Carriageman said...
Maybe im being thick (I am but what they hey) but everytime I look at the comments at the bottom of the page are ads by google selling PS3 isnt the collaborating with the enemy.

yfogfadg = a steamy like smoke that arrise from a smelly fadge
Blogger said...
In the What Ken Kutaragi did next...

Would, would, would bugger it.. all of them except one!
Blogger Raw Deal said...
I saw that Ken character down the westend selling that rag. I told him I didn't have any money. Then I crossed the road and bought it from a decent looking fella.
Blogger Melanie said...
As another commenter has posted, was selling the PS3s as their daily deal, and they used the profit from them (they probably "fell off the back of a truck") to buy Wiis for their staff members. They sold out quite quickly, I believe it was less than 10 minutes. Personally, I love their site for all the cheap electronic gizmos they sell, and that's the only reason why I know all this. You have a great site, by the way, and I feel like a dickwad commenting on a 6 month old post.

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