Labels: WAR ON PS3
A site about games and game paraphernalia and how nothing's as good as we remember it, probably because we used to inhabit a FANTASY WORLD.
What are we half-heartedly skimming RIGHT NOW? RECENTLY...
When men used to till the pages by hand. |
Use our Play or Amazon Shops to buy those shit Wii games you secretly like, helping the effort. ARCHIVES
12 years of wheat and chaff in one vast and impenetrable mass. |
Some updates weren't universally hated by the entire world within seconds of being uploaded.
1. The Animal Crossing Wild World mega-feature and public-service review
2. Sonic CD - screenshot parade
3. Cream The Rabbit sexual diagrams
4. OutRun2 screenshot-taking guide for the benefit of inept journalists
5. The personal UKR SEGA Toys Homestar planetarium review
6. Trying to buy an Xbox 360 in London
8. A trip to GamesMaster (in Peckham)
Links to that blog of yours you started up and were excited about for a whole weekend.
Some people we might've MET. Or at least seen in a room and been near. One Thousand Tiny Things I Hate "LIFESTYLE"
Other sites we are happy to officially endorse without requiring Adwords spend. PRIVACY POLICY
Having one is compulsory, apparently. Ours is here. It is not meant to be funny. |
People off the internet. Quality and commitment levels may vary. |
It came with the template. Maybe in 2014 we'll jump on board the Twitter train and put that in here. Or a radio. That'd be nice.
The reason there are so many consoles left in stock is due to the ammount of PS3's Sony had shipped in!
Obviously there will be PS3's in stock considering there was over 220 thousand in the country on launch day, and they are not all sold. We all know that. So what the hell are you trying to proove with these pictures?
This is almost as bad as your last article on the matter where you were trying to discredit the sales figures. Simple fact, an indepedant agency produced those figures and they are correct, and the PS3 is the fastest selling console on launch.
So what is your problem with Sony and the PS3? Your articles are pathetic!
Admittedly the numbers above don't really mean anything either, other than Sony made sure everyone had more than enough stock. After all the bad feeling with Sony over the past 12 months, they damn well made sure they weren't going to drop the ball by not having enough launch units like they typically do.
Sony claims that they sold 75% of their original stock of PS3s.
If Chorley now has 44 PS3s, one could assume that they started off with roughly 180 PS3s and sold 130+ units.
Of course, the pictures would mean more if we knew the numbers before the sale, but the implication is that Chorley did not start off with 180 units, but probably more like 50 units, and that the story is the same for every one of these pictures -- did Coventry really have 180 units at launch?
Maybe the Sony fans here can back up their companies claims by providing us with the pre-launch stock numbers for each of these locations. On average, each one should orginally have had about 4 times the current stock levels. Let us all know what you find out...
One of our local shops sells mobile phones and accessories. When the Xbox 360 was low on stock he bought some and sold them speedily through his shop.
He has bought 50 PS3's and now has signs up all over the outside of his shop saying "50 PS3's left - Now only £379!"
When I was chatting to him about it, the man's depressed and can't believe they haven't sold, he's now talking about knocking another £20 off as he now has approx £15k tied up in his PS3 stock and seriously thinks his little shop may go under because of it.
Poor misguided bastard.............(Bet Chart Track don't report that!)
I'd point out where they're going wrong like we've had to do with the 8,000 useless fuckers we've had the past week but I just can't be arsed.
My advice to the useless fanboys? Do some research on UK:R.
And then piss off.
"if you don't like it, don't buy it...end of..."
If you don't like the site, don't read it... end of...
But anyway :)
I walked into the local Saturn, (German version of Dixons) which last I looked had 14 units, only to find what looked like a youngish bloke with one in his hand, resting it on a shelf. "Fuck me" I thought, "somebody is actually going to buy one" Later on I realised my mistake.
He simply had hold of the handle, seems Saturn has been restocked, where it once had 14, it now has 33, the one he was holding is sideways on as they cant fit any more on the shelf, sideways.
Verification word mkydxdx, Superman's Irish nemesis :)
I know nobody who owns a ps3. No-one whos brave enough to admit to it anyway.
I bought an Apple TV instead this month (and am thinking of opening it up and moving my 8 GB MAME ROM collection to it, installing a decent emulator and getting a bluetooth controller to use with it - which should keep me amused over the bank hol).
I've currently got 600 GBP sitting in the bank, and I'm the first idiot to buy any old overpriced pap with LED's on it (see previous sentance) and I'm not even remotely tempted, and I don't even vitriolicly hate the PS3, it's just totally fails to spark any interest with me.
God knows what I'm going to spend it on now (I always do though, I'm useless like that). I'll probably waste it on online games from somewhere like Steam or Direct2Drive or something.
It's a total screw up by Sony if they can't even sell stuff to someone like me as I'm really easily convinced to buy anything.
Hell I spend a couple of hundred quid on a *completely* pintless PCI PhysX card a while back, and I can use it with the exactly ONE single level alpha of a game (and I knew that when I bought it), it's *that* easy to get me to buy stuff.
The lack of any form of desire for a PS3 makes me feel strangely impotent, as if the gamer in me has a broken wang because they just don't find the PS3 hot.
I guess I'm just gay for Tails, or something.
Sony Ship 220,000.
Sell 165,000 in the first weekend.
Sell 18% (82% drop) of that within the next week (29,700)
Charttrack/Sony are alledging that the PS3 has so far sold 194,700 consoles out of the initial shipment.
Now lets say Argos, on average, have 25 consoles (a VERY conservative estimate) for every one of their 680 branches. 17,000 PS3s unbought.
So, accounting for PS3s allegedly sold, and the ones Argos has in stock, that counts for (an "estimated") 211,700 of the original shipment, leaving 8,300 being shared amongst every other shop in the UK, Which for some magic reason, all have their stock in the 20s/30s/40s, too, and far outnumber the amount of Argos branches.
a) The number shipped was a LIE, and far higher (incredibly unlikely)
b) The number sold was a LIE and far lower (extremely likely)
c) Sony have shipped another batch (anyone whose been monitoring stock knows they haven't)
I think that covers it all nicely.
So that leaves around 5,000 PS3s for Game, Gamestation, WHSmiths, HMV, and every independant/online retailer to share.
... And if you believe that, I have a couple of bridges you might like to buy.
List of news stories about sales slump indexed by Google news.
I don't think Sony are 'feeling the love'.
The replies to the fanboy rants are almost more painful to read than the rants themselves :(
I was especially dreading the return of the Argos displays.
however the enemy is still out there
The PS tripple indeed "sigh"
One of the losers in our office was desperately trying to foist his PS3 with the only two games on it, to anyone who would listen to his sob story about it being a big disappoint ment and how it wasn't worth trying to put it on eBAY as he wouldn't get enough back on it! Fucking tosspot loser!!!
I only know three people with one now, loser-boy and two people who bought Jap ones last year.
And this is why they hate.
Pay attention fanboys, this has nothing to do with supporting either of the other next generation consoles. It's not as simple as black and white.
Right now I've got my fingers crossed for a surprise launch of a revamped Dreamcast (with a 120gb HD and betamax video player built in)to bury all 3.
This is about Sony feeling the sting, the sting that broke my beautiful Dreamcast's heart, and pushed the games forward into a music industry style corporate contest.
I hope it stings Sony, like your sharing a cell.
Word verification: Zutkwcu - a rare type of african bird capable of storing up to 7kg of cannabis for safe keeping in its stomach.
I find it hard to believe anyone could sayd "when will you stop posting these anti-sony articles" as if they've come out of nowhere.
If you don't find it UK:R funny go fuck Sony up the poo pipe
I'll promise to leave the fanboys alone from now on too.
Thats the important lesson to be learnt here.
Where can I buy one? oh it sold out completely :(
Yeah, I imagine loads of people that post here have a 360 but it is probably just one of MANY MANY consoles they own and in probably most cases won't be their favourite.
As far as I knew people here are United by a love of Sega and hatred of Sony.
Microsoft doesn't feature one way or another.
Zloth - The best character in the Goonies
So no stock-saturation photos from rural Berkshire I'm afraid, though I'm sure the officer classes are doing their bit.
I love maths, but is a good sucessful launch Ill stick to my 360, gamecube, (Wii when i can get my hands on one). dreamcast (Yea) and saturn (Im strange i just love daytona)
Chart Track report PS3 sales of 165,000 in the opening weekend, and it's all 'infallible EPOS data accurately representing blah blah blah'. Now this 82% drop 'leaks out' and suddenly the director is describing their own figures as meaningless. Good effort.
I'm not sure anymore if this is a pro Sega site or an Anti PS3 site.
Bring back the gaming related articles that weren't about slating Sony. This site is attracting too many twats!
Cannot stop laughing at the Sony heads trying to defend their beloved console, despite it being overpriced, very few games available and not technologically superior to the 360.
Well they were right about one thing: the Cell is proving good at flops.
Empire Direct are offering PS3 packs at £359, apparently.
Now THAT'S funny.
ewqtnfy - having to quantify something that's a bit disgusting
Hey SonicTattooRoss, I know what you mean but dont you think being anti PS is being Pro-Sega?, as they were responsible for the Dreamcasts demise. I wanna see these kids off the streets and in arcades, where they can see what real games are like.
I know we must all want to play VF5 but it comes at too higher cost, not of the machine, but to the general detriment of overall games quality, with the inevitable domino affect of PS3 sales. I'm sure Namco and Konami's main titles would jump ship as soon as it stops making money for 'em. With only Nintendo being the exception, its the arcade makers that make the best games. Halo pulls in the only remaining crowd, the PC FPS geeks which saves em £200 on a new gfx card.
My point is, it's cool to remain objective, but its not often things go the right way for a format, and for once Betamax looks like its gaining over VHS, so I dont know about you, but i'm gonna laugh all the way to the bank, and enjoy this rare victory of good taste.
Word Verification: krdfx = Kurdistan's newest movie CG company!
I'd like boycott Casino Royale because its another sony product, but Daniel Craig does't deserve it.
Andrew you really should know better.. are'nt you a bit embarrased?
I still have'nt got over the embarrasment of buying a PS1 thinking it was cool and brand new, later of course I realised the Saturn kicked it's ass in every way, but I live with the shame of that mistake every single goddamn day!
Those stock numbers ARE reflecting the stock for that branch.
We have 2 Argos branches in the local area, I went to both one day to have a look. One had stock in the low 20's, one in the mid 30's.
I'm getting a bit cynical about both sides of the ps3 debate now, does zorg still work for official xbox mag? are his bosses pressuring him to run pro xbox stuff after he almost lost his job in that girly gamer site drama? is this site as funny as it used to be?
bring back blue skies and the employee of the month and the tatty old sega stuff please!!
Well i think that the price slashing going on at the moment is a pretty good indication that stock isn't shifting!
Just because MS is a weapon against the evil Sony empire doesn't make any of us sycophantic MS fanboys.
I don't even own a 360 or Wii, still enjoying my 3 beautiful white Sega Dreamcasts and 100+ games :)
Shenmue 3 on the 360 might sway me to get 1 though.
Why not do what everyone else is gonna do, wait for a cheap hybrid Blu-ray and HD-DVD player??
This way, you've got 360 and Wii with the best games, AND you don't have to worry about which format wins, and buy what ever discs you want!
Leave it to Sony to battle for Blu-ray, they're using people like you to do their battling for them!!
Take it back, take it back whilst you still can, and use the money to toward a hybrid player!! :D
If you don't you must have money to burn lol
I agree competition is a good thing blah-blah, but the death-throes of a massive corporation are an even bigger reason to celebrate.
Dear Sony. I'll buy into either HD-DVD or Blu-Ray depending on which camp offers to upgrade my 1000+ DVD collection for me. If not, fuck off.
put sonic back at the top and i'll be happy is all im saying
Also, due to the gargantuan cost of making games for the PS3, developers are less likely to take a chance on it than they did with the PS2, so you're more likely to get unoriginal rubbish which are guaranteed to sell. (i.e, Fifa 20XX, or Need for Speed: Generic.)
Cheers Zorg!
I could link any number of headlines, fro the 82% sales drop, to the fact that Aria, WH Smiths and Play are having a price war to sell the "remaining" stock a week after it went on sale. Or the amusing fact that Tretton thinks that cutting the price of the PSP will mean "We can start to reach down to that younger consumer", (Yes, I know)
Instead I'll just link to this, which is old but funny:
The PS3, "large and in charge" [smirk]
Btw, "Guitar Hero II" on the 360 does indeed Rock, that used to be an exclusive didn't it? :)
that said, sega is dead. Get over it. Or better yet: make up for it by supporting Nintendo, just like Sega is doing.