UK:RESISTANCE 'main page'
This was sent in back in March. We have been sitting on it all this time. Or, rather, we have been waiting for a day when there's such a lack of quality alternative material available that even a car number plate photograph is welcome.

"I spotted this in a shopping mall car park and thought it was worth taking a photo of with my POWERFUL 2.0 MEGAPIXEL iPhone. Notice that the plate actually says "SONIC" and not "SON1C", "S0NEC" or sOnIKZZORSzZ1!!1!!" This guy was clearly there from the beginning, and did not jump on the bandwagon with Shadow the Hedgehog" - Johnny.

"On a side note, the car is a Commodore, the type driven by hard men who drink XXXX and work on construction sites. I took this photo while pretending to text so as to not be called a poofta by the owner. He wasn't actually in the car, but there was still a chance he was somewhere around, hence the shaking hand."
Anonymous Anonymous said...
does it say boom on the backside of the car ?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Haha, "backside".
Anonymous David said...
More pictures of the car would have been nice....
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I highly doubt the bogan who drives it meant sonic as in Sonic The Hedgehog.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Surely, proper Aussies don't drink Castlemaine?!
Blogger Apples and Oranges said...
Such a perfect plate wasted in a idiot who didn't paint it cobalt blue.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
fuck off, I live off XXXX. I'll deck you cunt.

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