UK:RESISTANCE 'main page'
Sports Pack? You mean a Wii and Wii Sports, the game all Wiis come with in the box for free for £179? But being sold for a massive profit by some shady web retailer?

Saverstore exclusive!

This is making us incandescent with rage - and we couldn't give a toss about Wii. Imagine how bad some poor dad must be feeling, under pressure to deliver a Wii this Christmas, faced with this sort of shameful rip-off everywhere he turns. It's enough to trigger a festive suicide.

They're feeling bad about it. But are STILL DOING IT.
Blogger Cunzy11 said...
You probably know this:


Maybe this news could be an excuse to do a proper post with lots of pictures with alt text and everything. Maybe it deserves an honourary Employee of the Year?

Blogger Gnac said...
Oh hey, how did they convince Cliffy B to pose for this ad?
Blogger Jawatron said...
What sport are they playing exactly? Apart from smugs.
Blogger Darren said...
They are playing "whose gonna nail her first" the latest game from Nintendo kinda like pin the tail on the donkey. You get the idea, and its a load of bullshit about the shady web retailer overcharging. If they weren't greedy bastards they wouldn't have to explain themselves.
Blogger mrpsb said...
The worst part of this one by far is the crossed out alleged "original" price £355. Have they really had them on sale at nearly double the RRP for the 28 days required to then advertise the reduced price? Then again it wouldn't be a surprise, they would have held on to their stock ready for the DECEMBER RAPE.
Blogger Stephen said...
Maybe the inflated price is due to the limited edition "Nunchunk" controller.
Blogger subarushinjo said...
Ah... The Wii fucking sucks! I work games retail and all I hear day in day out is "got any wii's?" Fuck them! If they are stupid enough to pay that much for little Timmy's christmas then fuck them! I've even had people in asking for dummy boxes so they can wrap them up with an IOU! Fuckers!!!
Blogger Josh said...
If the next post is another bloody thing about Wii/Ebay, I promise to you, I will tut and read it anyway.

I fucking warn you.
Blogger Wim said...
We actually had some UK customers today (this is in Belgium), who wanted to buy our entire Wii stock (of about 40 systems). I gladly refused. I hate ebay scalpers.
Blogger markdde said...
Hey Gary, tell us about style.
Blogger pkpkpkpk said...


although maybe they just don't tell sega US anything. the fact that charlie scibetta has to 'look into the reasons why the trademark was updated' suggests nobody talks to him and he sits alone in his office all day
Blogger ken said...
boy...I can't wait for the Wii fit raping rampage to begin....OR maybe I should buy a ton of Wii Fits in japan whilst I am still here, flood the ebay market with std priced Wii fits? I wouldn't make a loss and it'll piss these bastards off....

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