UK:RESISTANCE 'main page'
...compared to the Gamecube and another console you haven't been able to buy new for two years.

Well done, Sony. Another gold in the paralympics.


Blogger Phill said...
Console usage measured in minutes. What is that based on? One house that has all those consoles?

After playing LBP on the PS3 I know what a crap box it truly is but I can't imagine it's got so bad that kids would prefer to play the original xbox over the PS3.

Don't the DS and PSP count as consoles? I would have thought DS usage would be well abouve PS2 usage. Not the PSP though, not unless they are allowed to count pirated minutes.

But, you can't argue with statistics; infact 87% of all statistics are based on unarguable facts and/or hearsay.
Anonymous sex box said...
No no, 44% of all facts are made up.
Anonymous Mr Did said...
The study was done in a broad selection of homes (so those that made it tell us). With a bigger user base of course the PS2 will be top as not everyone is as keen on having the latest games machine as you (if you are reading UKR you aren't the average man are you, infact you may even be a bit of a games geek).

I'm sure that there was a study that showed the PSOne as the number 1 console of choice a few years into the second coming of the evil sony empire.

PSP and DS were not included in the research for some stupid reason.

100% of people that are me love the dreamcast
Anonymous Rolken said...
Yeah, clearly DS and PSP count as consoles and neither of them can beat the Gamecube at 4.6%. That makes sense.

Halo 2 was still the most played game on Xbox Live until Gears of War came out a year after launch according to MS's own statistics. Kids might prefer the PS3 to the Xbox1 but I don't know many kids with $400.
Blogger weatherbox said...
Re: the minutes thing, have you not yet realised that the latest generation of consoles knows EVERYTHING that you do? If you are online with your console then somebody somewhere is collating your information, from what game you play the most for the purposes of market research, and how long you play for in order to gauge the longevity of a game's experience. The Wii even has the honesty to inform you each time you log on that it has been measuring the time you play, the little fucker. As for Wii fit? Well, if you own that then they know how much you weigh, whenever you lose weight, shit, they probably know your dietary habits. I am not just a paranoid freak, this is real! Well, probably anyway. Maybe I've just seen too many films about Communist spies.

Not saying that's the basis for this chart of course but, you know, BEWARE and all that. 1984 is upon us etc etc.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
this is lies. no one was playing their PS2 console for 30 minutes in 2008. literally, the entire of 2008.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Communist pies... mmmm
Blogger Ino said...
I played a PS2 for 2 hours in my gf's house, waiting for her while she was away, probably doing something like cheating on me.
Blogger Phill said...
She was. It was the best 2 hours of sex she'd ever had. Try not to blow your wad after 30 seconds. My advise to you would be to masturbate as frequently as possible to build up a tollerance to shooting early. Use the articles on UK:R as stimulus.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yeah, yeah, but what PS2 game were you playing?
Blogger Phill said...
Actually we were both on Singstar Legends. I was belting out 'this charming man' by The Smiths. She couldn't sing her mouth was full.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Nielsen put little boxes in people's houses that measure TV channel usage and console usage. They then sell that data to TV networks, etc. Hence no hand-helds... they aren't connected to the TV.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The new "Sega Other" is off to a great start, should be ranked third.
Anonymous Percy! said...
Other must mean dreamcast...

so more people are playing dreamcast's than PS3's...

Anonymous Gaz Top. said...
Not only is the site b'anal bullshit, Zorg also has something against people with disabilities!

You truly are the turd of turds. You wouldn't win Gold at the Gary Cutlack Olympics.
Anonymous Ryan said...
16% of people are playing their Mega Drives. Hooray!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
and 0.2% are still dedicated to the 32X.

Do Sony still use the byline "this is living"? - if so I might need to send a letter to the Advertising Standards Agency. It's misrepresentation. A more accurate tagline would be "PS3 : This is dying on its arse"
Anonymous Anonymous said...
What console is best if one has a broken arm?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Consoles don't have arms.

Thanks for your attention.

WV: twattybollocks - I couldn't be bothered to work something out for the real one.
Blogger Multiverse said...
"Consoles don't have arms."

Actually, consoles do have ARMs...

Though if it's broken you're screwed.
Blogger Phill said...
I wonder if Gaz Top is the same twatty cunt that used to present some kids TV show with that foam puppet alien Gilbert.

How did it feel Gaz to be working with a man under the table with his hand in a glove puppet that was more talented than you?
Anonymous Anonymous 2 said...

You've just given me a great photoshop idea for that photo of the two Sony execs talking shit.

Now if only someone else can do the work for me...
Blogger Badben said...
The thing about the paralympics is that it's the ones with a note from their doctors saying that they sometimes get headaches who win.

Sony couldn't get a gold because the able-bodied-but-found-a-loophole companies would easily beat 'em as they lurch along.
Blogger Cmdr_Zorg said...
But Ricky Gervais does jokes about people in wheelchairs, and everyone says he's funny.
Anonymous Gonuts McDie said...
Not to mention the Alzheimer's jokes. Now, where did I put my computer..?
Blogger Badben said...
Ricky Gervais. Don't get me started. It amazes me how rarely you hear anyone stating the opinion that he's a cunt, even though he's clearly a cunt. And really, too, he's not an ironic cunt, just a cunt. Or a cunt cunt, if you will. Ooh he's won awards though...

You got me started. Trying to stop now *concentrates*
Blogger GigerPunk said...
Yay! Someone else has noticed that all the roles he plays aren't actually roles; and he's not a brilliant comedian playing an obnoxious twat - he IS an obnoxious twat and people just think it's a comedy act!

Now, can anyone clear up whether Johnny Vegas is actually a harmless softy who likes the odd drunk or twelve, a potentially violent alcoholic, both (i.e. bipolar/schizophrenic) or neither and he's just putting it all on?
Anonymous wt3rf5 said...
Good Luck! ;)
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I am quite certain that the only possible reason for the PS3 to rank ahead of the Gamecube is that a large percentage of Gamecube owners have now upgraded to the Wii and use that to play the games.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
PS2 doing well. Just as the Dreamcast would of, if it managed to avoid turning into a pile of dog poo.

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