UK:RESISTANCE 'main page'
This is a photo of a sign in the car park at SEGA Europe. Someone's being a parking space nazi. You can see some interesting uses of capital letters.

It's not even in the SEGA font

This out-bores our update about the SEGA Park carpet by some 25 percent. We're sorry about this for many reasons. Has anyone got a less interesting SEGA photograph than this?


Blogger tentonipete said...
Blogger Mr. Driller said...
They'll struggle to clamp Robotnik, given that the kind of vehicles he'd be coming to work in can actually fly. Or at least hover. Until a little blue cunt jumps on the top of them and fucking WRECKS them.
Blogger mrplow said...
how is that about smoking?
Blogger Ante-nah said...
wow guys! if you click the picture it gets bigger!
Very exciting!
Blogger mykel said...
"staff will be clamped or towed away"

Surely clamping the staff or towing them away doesn't lend itself to much productivity. I can only assume this rule was strictly enforced during the Dreamcast era - seemingly resulting with most of the advertising staff spending 2000-2002 clamped in the carpark...
Blogger mrplow said...
so you slyly change "smoking" to "parking" and don't say anything in an attempt to make my last comment look retarded?
Blogger Cmdr_Zorg said...
Sorry. I also got sent photos of the SEGA office smoking area at the same time, hence the confusion.
Blogger Benjamin said...
James Frey worked for Sega?
Blogger mrplow said...
holy shit... am I the first person to receive an apology from Zorg?
It feels... incredible... in fact, would!
Blogger jawa said...
nifty work with the laser printer and a post there zorg.
Blogger Cyber Razor Cut said...
To be fair though, you probably are retarded.
Blogger Cmdr_Zorg said...
It's not a fake.

Although I was lying about being sorry.
Blogger Blackadder Hall said...
I have a pretty dull (and crappy) picture of a sega Dreamcast alarm clock

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