UK:RESISTANCE 'main page'
This is the back of a man's sister's chair. He says the design looks a bit like Dr Robotnik, although she insists it's meant to be flowers.

Robotnik furniture range EXCLUSIVE

Beat that.


Blogger mrplow said...
Blogger Night_Trekker said...

Blogger Dwarf_Pr0n said...
You really are struggling arent you...
Blogger Pyrii said...
"Dr Robotnik's got wood!"

A little bit of my soul just died.
Blogger Aran said...
my dreamcast just wet itself over the excitement.
Blogger phorenzik said...
Updates like these aren't even worth a comment. And I'm fully aware of the irony that this comment creates.
Blogger Ante-nah said...
You can't even click this one to make it bigger!

Blogger Nemesis2K said...
Blogger tyrone shoes said...
Only looks marginally more like Robotnik than I do and I'm a girl.
Blogger nodesofyesod said...
This place is getting more and more like a throwback to Viz on a daily basis, particularly in relation to Viz's 'desperation' phase in the late '90s.
Do I win £5?
Blogger jawa said...
im surprised you didnt do an update on an article in the terrible new free newspaper London Lite which said that Sega commissioned a national poll on which footballers wife was the most sexy. Apparantly its Tweedy and Posh (they said) was on the bench!!!11!!!1!1
Those wags.
Blogger schteddy said...
I got a text from Nintendo! It says 'New Message from Nintendo' and it tells me all about the Wii coming out although it doesn't say it will cost ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY POUNDS. Do you think Shigsy wrote it personally?

Bah, I'm going to post this again when there's a new update so people will take notice.
Blogger Dogmonkey said...
We had those chairs! And to think I never noticed! More exciting thoughts on my blog!
Blogger Mark said...
Your hearts aren't in this any more, are they?
Blogger Tonyator said...
All you need is a Picture of something Blue, like a blue sheet of paper, thats "Sonic Blue" and that would be the most boring
Sega Photo ever.....

Word Verification - 'gnoda'.... Any Suggestions?
Blogger Night_Trekker said...
All you need is a Picture of something Blue, like a blue sheet of paper, thats "Sonic Blue" and that would be the most boring
Sega Photo ever.....

It could be worse. What about a purple piece of paper and a comment about how it's "Espio purple"? Arguably more boring.
Blogger Woolworths Girl said...
On yesterday's London Lite there was an aerial photograph of Sega's headquarters.
Blogger Koston said...
Damn that is horny.

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