UK:RESISTANCE 'main page'
We're busy tonight. There's that big puddle of urine behind the toilet that needs sorting out.
"Just a reminder that we are hosting an evening of informal drinks with Vernon Kay tonight at the Century Club.

"There will also be a chance to play Call of Duty World at War with Vernon who will be there to challenge you in person in a live Game with Fame on Xbox LIVE plus chat to you about anything gaming related.

"It would be great to see you there. Please reply to this email to RSVP by 2pm today to add your names to the list.

"Looking forward to hearing from you."
Anonymous Robster said...
Don't be such a pussy - get down there and have a look at Kaye and see how good he is at games. At the very least it's bound to make for an 'amusing' feature.
Anonymous Robster said...
Also, why haven't you done anything on Outrun for the 360. Fanboys my arse.
Blogger GigerPunk said...
Yeah! Live the dream!

The rest of us can spend the evening mopping up the floor round the toilet before the floorboards rot anymore (threatening to collapse next time we sit on the bog so we fall through the floor and are later found, trousers round our ankles, unconcious amidst piss, plasterboard and shattered porcelain in the wreckage of the room below.)

Just imagine if you turn it down and then you find out the list of people who replied in the affirmative before 2pm included Kirsty Gallagher, Jane Goldman and Konnie Huq?

And if it's as god-awful as you suggest (and we know very well too tbh) you'll at least be able to get a few posts ranting about how awful it was and how we bastards guilt-tripped you into going?

And yes, 360, Outrun, news?
Blogger JoeMDesign said...
Thanks to the new template there aren't any dates given in the posts anymore. Is this for today? If so, then you should go and at least shout Pro-Sega sentiments (like I do at every event where control pads are involved)
Anonymous Trilby said...
Outrun is released on XBLA on 15th April.

I should be one being invited to hobnob* with Vernon Kay, not Zorg.

*mainly nob
Anonymous Michael Baldwin-Bruce said...
Zorg, ever considered the reason you have time to update this site and the other site every day AND do whatever it is your job is, is because you keep saying no to things?

You could have been snorting cocaine off Vernon Kay's girlfriend/wife/whatever. Like that scene in Robocop. Kay may have come in with a grenade and shot you in the knees for good measure too... you are right, best to stay at home in the safe.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
To be fair, a puddle of urine is a fairly pressing matter. If there was a pool of piss on my floor, I'd want it cleaned up posthaste.

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