UK:RESISTANCE 'main page'
A man has spotted a "Sonic hat" in the window of Forbidden Planet in Aberdeen. If you hurry it might still be there. We expect a fierce bidding war to break out, along with a scuffle that ends up on the local news.

All we ask for in bringing you this information is that the successful buyer sends us a photo of the Sonic hat on a dog's head. Sunglasses optional.

Scottish Sonic HAT!

"Hi, I found this Sonic hat in the window of Forbidden Planet in Aberdeen. I thought you might like it so i took a picture. Unfortunately I do not deal in 'Credits' of any sort, so I could not ask how much it was or which Orc the owner bought it off. It also appears that the hat would go over your eyes, possibly giving you some kind of Sonic vision!"


Blogger Hamstermemnon said...
There was one in Forbidden Planet / Ace Comics whatever it's called this week, in Colchester as well, didn't pay it too much attention tho, as there was a vampirella model behind it
Blogger 87th said...
You can get those from Tokyo Toys-
I think I'd rather go on the journey to Aberdeen, though.
Blogger jawa said...
Can we get someone wearing it to happyslap someone wearing a Dr Robotnik one. It would be so 2006.
Blogger Pipemould said...
Does this mean if I wear it I will be giving Sonic head? I dont want to make Miles jealous.
Blogger The Amazing Kazoo said...
Thats no FP store... wheres all the grime and dead animals that go thre to die in the corners!
Blogger jawa said...
If that picture had a smell it would be piss and clearasil
Blogger Branch-me-do said...
I like that the eyes are uneven, giving Sonic a slightly unhinged, crazed look.
Blogger phorenzik said...
I bought one from Tokyo Toys last year for my girlfriend. I have already sent Zorg pictures of my dog and cat (which incidentally is called Sonic) wearing them. It doesn't cover the eyes when worn, FP just seem to be using a very small display head thing. It cost £20-ish......the realisation of wasting my money has just hit me.......and there are kids dying all over the world......what have I done?
Blogger CreamyRabbit said...
Well, you cant waste money buying Sonic items anyway, so dont worry.

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