UK:RESISTANCE 'main page'
These images MOCK US. These disgraceful illustrations HEAP SHAME upon the internet. These SICK CARTOONS are EVIL. Those in the Western states who publish such images SHALL BE CLEANSED DURING THE NEXT HOLY WAR. All who look upon such images are INFIDELS who deserve to BURN IN THE FIRES OF ETERNAL DAMNATION.

New Penny Arcade strip uploaded!!!!!!! :(

The DEPICTIONS OF EVIL must NEVER be reproduced. Hosting such files is an INSULT TO ALL THAT IS GLORIOUS. And they are not funny.
Blogger Matt Category said...
I actually quite like penny aracde. I'll be first against the wall when the holy war comes.

And no... The sattire wasn't lost on me...
Blogger Richie said...
WTF! its not even funny! What the hell is Hey Wilburrr, and why peanut butter on gums? Whatever it is it SUCKS.
Blogger Hamhock said...
I thought satire was like an indian guitar.
Blogger Mark said...
Penny Arcade rules. If I had to choose between PA and UK:R I'd definitely go for the comic. After I'd downloaded a copy of the Fable gameguide, though.
Blogger Matt Category said...
Richie, the reason it's not funny is because it is only 1 panel of a 6 panel piece. The whole lot together makes me giggle. Mostly because of the cuss words.
Blogger lyris said...

PS: I think Penny Arcade is shit.
Blogger Chad Goulding said...
Let the rivers run red with the blood of the unrighteous :|
Blogger oddity_ukr said...
these guys are blatently cunts, noone would represent themselves in cartoon form with hair that big
Blogger Pyrii said...
I've never found Penny Arcade to be funny. God knows I've tried, it's just dry american humor recycled or lost in translation. Anyways, I'm sticking with VGCats for my PG-rated Video Games related comic fix.
Blogger The Rod said...
This article is less funny than Penny Arcade?
Blogger lyris said...
Is that possible?
Blogger 598764 said...
Am I the only one to realize that this is a comment on the Islamic countries' ridiculous reaction to the 12 drawings of their prophet in a danish newspaper?
Blogger gnome said...
No 598764.. you are not alone... We are all there with you... Hugging and remebmering what freedom of speec means. Then caressing. Then..

cheers ;)
Blogger [cf4]HumanShield said...
rioting over a fucking cartoon. Whatever next.
mind you the 'extremest' on the front of the Independent today has a fantastic beard.
Blogger Taylor said...
Man, I love it when you guys stick it to Penny Arcade! By the way, I can't wait for the next totally hilarious and wondrously original Emily Booth and Princess Rinko feature! And what's this I keep hearing about a company named SEGA? It seems to me like you guys like them a whole lot. Try talking about them some more, too. Anyway, I gotta go, but don't you guys forget to keep bringin' the LAUGHS!

:D ;) :P XOXO
- Your biggest fan, Taylor


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