Employee of the week (with a difference)

The delightful Estelle Skornik is more commonly known as 'Nicole' in the Renault TV advertisements where her ingenious catchphrase "Papa" has captured the imagination of the British public. We eagerly await each installment of the ongoing ad's to see just what will happen next. Will Nicole buy another new hat? Will she sneak off to see her latest bloke? And just what will Papa say if he finds out? She managed to cause a bit of a stir earlier this year when she 'got her kit off' in a theatrical production, but of course it was all done with artisitic integrity because Estelle is a serious actress you know?

It's well known that here at UK:R HQ we're incredibly busy. We're always being pestered by gamers and industry people asking for advice and occasionally we have to go to dark and deserted car parks late at night to meet some of our shadowy top secret informers. Naturally, we need a driver and who better to chauffeur us about than the lovely Ms Skornik.

Last week's star