WARNING: Scenes of student hijinks.

WARNING: Scenes of men in tights.

WARNING: Scenes of young people having fun that may trigger middle-aged angst and feelings of worthlessness.

WARNING: Scenes of men being comfortable in the presence of women that may trigger middle-aged angst and feelings of worthlessness.

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“I play for the University of Manchester ‘Korfball team’ – (it’s a Dutch mixed-sex sport that is kind of like volleyball). We take our sport Very seriously and as a result have various drinking socials throughout the weeks. We decided for our most recent to dress up as something everyone loves… Sonic!”

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“Using the best costume accessories for under £10 from Primark we came up with some pretty awesome and horrific efforts.”

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“I am enclosing some of the least criminal or offensive photos from the night that I have grabbed of Facebook!” – Nick.