The novelty of this one wore off halfway through typing that headline, but we’ll push on with it anyway. Basically a man says this woman from Diablo III looks like Violet Berlin from very old games TV, which is a coincidence, as his dad used to teach geography to Andy Crane when he was in college.

Yes, that’s all there is to it. This woman is a bit like Violet Berlin, and the man who sent it in’s dad taught Andy Crane about oxbow lakes.

This woman is a bit like Violet Berlin, and the man who sent it in’s dad taught Andy Crane about oxbow lakes:

violet berlin diablo 3

“You’re probably the only games news site to know Violet Berlin’s name (and her previous games role in Micro Machines 2 on the Mega Drive) without Googling or Wikipediaing or some other internet bullshit nonsense, so I thought you might be interested in this. Incidentally, my dad taught geography to Andy Crane when he was in college” – PenguinJim.